a catalyst for change

I had been single for 6 months after a long roller-coaster of a relationship and I was just starting to think about "getting back out there" but the thought of it filled me with dread –creating a dating profile and engaging in the ritual of profile swiping did not excite me. Paired with the pity from my friends when I said I was considering getting back on the dating apps, I was uninspired.

the moment of inception

Now the next part of the story sounds a bit far-fetched. I thought about changing making up a different version as I thought people just won't believe me. I hardly believe it myself but being authentic is a key value of piano piano and so in the spirit of authenticity, let me tell you the story. One evening in May, I couldn't sleep. That night, the idea of piano piano just came to me. No, i know. It just sounds ridiculous. I got a few hours of sleep that night so woke up a bit flustered given I had a whole day of work to get through with a head buzzing with an idea I wanted to process.

Despite the demands of my corporate role, the idea continued to crystallise throughout the following day. By evening, I found myself immersed in creating the first pitch deck.

from Concept to reality

What began as a late-night pitch to my sister evolved into months of refined presentations to an expanding network of friends and colleagues. Each conversation shaped and strengthened the concept, ultimately leading to the concept that now exists.

the piano piano story

As the founder of piano piano, I wanted to share the story behind the vision to transform modern dating. The journey from concept to creation has been driven by a simple belief - we shouldn't need to rely on technology to meet someone, we can let it hold our hand but right now, it's the gateway and that's not how it should be.

image of founder appearing to take a selfie but actually taking a photo of herself in the mirror
image of founder appearing to take a selfie but actually taking a photo of herself in the mirror

the philosophy behind the name

I knew that I wanted the brand to emphasize slowing down and having patience but I couldn't find the name and then it came to me in a beautiful moment with my father when I asked him what going slow meant in Italian. He said, "piano piano" and that's how the name was born. I adore how that moment is now captured forever in the name of my business.